Thursday, February 24, 2011

Security and Online Communication Tools

Reflection of Online Communication Tools

I have enjoyed learning about and discovering benefits of online communication tools. As technology continues to expand in our lives it's important for us to embrace the capabilities available. Some of us do not want to adapt to the changes that are happening around us and whether we like it or not those changes are what our students and children are growing up with. There are many benefits that we need to be aware of by using online communication tools.

One benefit of online communication tools that I like is the ability to share the student’s grades with their parents. Parents are able to use a computer at any location and check their student’s grades. Teacher can also talk with parents online without having to leave the house or have meetings at school (unless absolutely necessary). One program that we are able to do this with is Infinite Campus. Teachers are able to post grades on here, look at student information, add attendance, etc.

We have worked with a few online communication tools in this class and the one that I enjoyed the most was the webquest. Webquest are amazing in the fact of the creativity that can be involved. There are also many webquest lessons available online that teachers can use to suit their many lessons. Teachers can also create their own style of webquest that they can use and share.

Computer Security

At our school we have computer technicians who take care of our computers and monitor online activity. These computer technicians add anti-virus software to our computers and monitor our emails so that we will not get infected with viruses. Most of viruses at businesses and schools I believe start from infected emails.
Another way that our computers and students are protects is by teacher observation. Students are not allowed to visit any sites with explicit materials and are asked not download anything unless it is approved. We have 3 computer labs at our school and at any time when students are in those, there is always a teacher with them.

On the computer that I personally use at school I am not allowed to download anything without administrator permission. If I have updates that need to be on my computer I always have to call on the computer technicians and have them to fix this for me. Sometimes this can be annoying because I may have to wait a couple of days. If it is something important that I would like immediately I usually wait until I get home and get it from my computer. There have also been days when I have taken my laptop and used it at school.

Everything is PASSWORD Protected. This sometimes encourages students to try their best to break this protection and sometimes they are successful. There are times when you have a student who can hack your personal online information. Facebook and Myspace are a couple of sites that students like to hack.

Here is a video from youtube that shows you how easy it can be to get around password protection.

1 comment:

  1. I've been using Kaspersky anti virus for a number of years, I would recommend this product to all you.
